Out of my seven eggs, 6 were mature. Out of six mature eggs, they fertilized 4!! I am so very very excited!! My transfer day is Friday at 10:15am. The clinic decided on a three day transfer. Do not ask me why. Maybe they will tell us more about it on Friday. I called my husband right away. I was trying to hold back the tears, but it was not controllable. I told him and he was so excited. we both cried a little bit. I then called my mom, and she cried. I called my best friend, and she cried. It has been a crying fest!! Oh boy....I hope it is a boy too. At first I really wanted a little girl. a little girl that looks like me, walks and talks like me. It sounds so precious and fun. But, I want a boy just as bad. My husband and him can really bond and he would be momma's boy. But I would have him strong and independent as well. I just want a baby to call my own and hold and love. okay..got to stop or I will start the waterworks again.
what I fear: because I am always fearing something with this IVF rollercoaster.
1) I start the progesterone shots tomorrow. This needle is long! and I hear they give you a Charlie horse
2) I have to drink a lot of water an hour before my transfer. and then they have to put pressure on my stomach..for some reason I do not really understand. I fear peeing all over the place. That would not be fun. The nurse said maybe just drink one to two cups 1/2 hour before. I will see how full my bladder gets with one cup of water tomorrow to see how much and how long I need to have a full bladder.
3) one embryo or two? I believe i am set for one. I will be okay with that.
but overall, I feel so happy my babies are growing right now.