2ww: Two Week Wait or the Luteal Phase The time between ovulation
AF: Aunt Flo/period/Menses/Menstruation/Menstrual Cycle Menstruation, your period.

BBT: Basal Body Temperature Recording and charting your temperature and other signs such as cervical fluid and cervical position.

BCP: Birth Control Pill/s

BD: Baby Dance A term for sex.

BFN: Big Fat Negative A “not pregnant”

BFP: Big Fat Positive! A positive pregnancy test.

BT: Blood Test A pregnancy blood test is a test that measures the exact amount of the pregnancy hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin, in the bloodstream of a woman to detect pregnancy.

CBEFM: Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor CBEFM is a personal home computer that monitors the two key fertility hormones, Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Estrogen (E3G), to prospectively identify six fertile days

CD: Cycle Day Cycle day 1 is the first day of your period. A “textbook” cycle shows ovulation on day 14, beginning of next period on day 28. Most women’s cycles deviate a bit, and if you’re like me you can be off by a week or more!

DPO: Day/s Past Ovulation The luteal phase or countdown until a pregnancy test will show positive. Ovulation is day zero. Some tests are accurate at 10 DPO; Most by 14 DPO (although that doesn’t stop me from testing on 6, 7, 8 or 9DPO!)

EC: Embryo Cyro/Freezing Embryo freezing is more properly called “embryo cryopreservation.” The goal is to store the embryo cryogenically and to preserve its viability for future initiation of pregnancy.

EDD: Estimated Delivery/Due Date An approximate date, more accurately a one month window with the EDD in the middle, in which your baby is most likely to be born. Traditionally the EDD has been calculated from last menstrual period, but now is often determined from an early ultrasound.

Endometrium: The uterine lining. This tissue is shed monthly in response to the hormonal changes of the menstrual period. The endometrium then grows back and slowly gets thicker and thicker until the next period when it is once again sloughed off.

FMU: First morning urine First morning urine has the highest concentration of hCG so will trigger a pregnancy test a day or more sooner than more dilute urine from later in the day.

FSH: Follicle-stimulating Hormone Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) is one of the hormones involved in the natural menstrual cycle as well as in pharmacological (drug-induced) stimulation of the ovaries. It is the main hormone involved in producing mature eggs. Commonly a test for levels of FSH is done on cycle day 3. Results of 10 are reassuring. A good response to ovarian stimulation is expected.

HCG: Human chorionic gonadotropin Human chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone produced in pregnancy made by the the developing embryo soon after conception and later by the the placenta. After implantation, the developing placenta begins releasing hCG into your blood. HCG can be found in the blood before the first missed menstrual period, as early as six days after implantation. Some hCG gets spilled in your urine and can be detected as early as 10 days after implantation.

HSG: Hysterosalpingogram – X-ray The hysterosalpingogram is an x-ray test that is helpful in determining the cause of infertility. A picture is taken after dye has filled the inside of the uterus and fallopian tubes, revealing any abnormalities of the uterus as well as tubal problems such as blockage and dilation. It has been claimed that pregnancy rates are increased in a cycle when an HSG has been performed. Using catheters, a radiologist can open tubes that are proximally blocked.

Implantation When the fertilized egg (blastocyst) settles into the thick uterine lining (endometrium). This occurs approximately 6-10 days after conception.

IUI: Intrauterine Insemination IUI is a fertility treatment that uses a catheter to place washed sperm directly into the uterus. The goal of IUI is to increase the number of sperm that reach the fallopian tubes and increase the chance of fertilization.

IVF: In-Vitro Fertilization In Vitro Fertilization is the process of fertilization by manually combining an egg and sperm in a laboratory dish. When the IVF procedure is successful, a procedure known as embryo transfer is used to physically place the embryo in the uterus.

LH: Luteinizing Hormone A female hormone secreted by the pituitary gland, necessary to regulate ovarian function.

LP: Luteal Phase The luteal phase of the menstrual cycle spans the time between ovulation and the onset of the next menses. A luteal phase is usually 12 – 16 days and should be at least 10 days for successful implantation. A short luteal phase can make it difficult for a women to get pregnant.

MC or M/C: Miscarriage

Menstruation/Menstrual Cycle The monthly cycle of changes in the ovaries and the lining of the uterus (endometrium), starting with the preparation of an egg for fertilization. When the follicle of the prepared egg in the ovary breaks, it is released for fertilization and ovulation occurs. Unless pregnancy occurs, the cycle ends with the shedding of part of the endometrium, which is menstruation. Although it is actually the end of the physical cycle, the first day of menstrual bleeding is designated as “day 1″ of the menstrual cycle in medical parlance.

Mittelschmerz An ache or twinge in the lower abdomen – caused by ovulation.

MS: Morning Sickness Queasiness, nausea or vomiting that some women experience during pregnancy, particularly the first trimester.

NPP: Not Preventing Pregnancy Not actively pursing fertility treatment but not using birth control, more of a “whatever happens, happens” attitude toward babymaking.

O: Ovulate, ovulation The release of the egg (ovum) from the ovary. Ovulation usually occurs approximately 14 days before the next menstrual period is due.

O’ING: Ovulating Releasing an egg. The day before and day of are great times for intercourse.

OI: Ovulation Induction Ovulation induction is used to stimulate the follicles in your ovaries resulting in the production of multiple eggs in one cycle. Common medications include clomiphene citrate, gonadotropins, Metformin and Parlodel. OI also controls the timing of egg release or ovulate, so sexual intercourse, intrauterine inseminations, and in vitro fertilization procedures can be scheduled at the most likely time to achieve pregnancy.

Ovulation Calculator A calculator or charting tool to find out when you are most likely to become pregnant and to estimate your due date should conception occur. My review of features an example of a Ovulation calculator.

OPK: Ovulation Predictor Kits A home ovulation test detects a woman’s LH-Surge or the time a woman ovulates, allowing a determination of when conception is most likely to take place (period of peak fertility). I use the ClearBlue Easy Fertility Monitor.