So tomorrow is my first official appointment with the doctor at UCSF...the doctor who will help my husband and I through our first IVF cycle. I hope it is our first and only one. So Nervous about that. So..I have all my blood tests and sonograms, SA, and biopsy reports ready. I am going to get a folder tomorrow and make it organized. I am feeling overwhelmed.
First fear, the doctor will are too must lose weight before we start the IVF process. The last fertility doctor who does not perform IVF said my weight was pre pre diabetic. But he also said it is important that the waist be smaller than the hips. Well I am okay with the ratio, but my weight has always been high..and I have lost 35 pounds in 2010 and gained weight in muscle. I am no skinny minnie, but I am very healthy. okay..I hope he does not make my weight an is even more embarrassing when doctors mention how fat I am in front of my husband.
Second fear, pants are going to have to come off. I do not want this stranger violating me. I know it is his job..but I really really, really do not like strange men looking at my woo woo!
Third Fear, I am not going to understand anything they are talking about. They are going to be sitting there and I am going to be completely overwhelmed.
Fourth fear, The doctor will say they can't help us.
okay I know some of these are completely irrational. Do any of you have any advice on what I can ask..or any kind of advice to help prepare me?