Monday, April 25, 2011

Hcg Trigger Update

Just want to write a little about my trigger experience. I read from Melissa's,the Stirrup Queen's book, Navigating the Land of If,a little before I triggered.. She has really helped me in so many ways during my infertility experience. Anyways, she wrote about trigger shots sting being medium to high. Here is my experience with the HCG trigger injection. I put the needle in and injected the liquid into my body. Nothing. I felt no pain what so ever. Then about a minute in, I  had to lay down. What it felt like was a little burn and pulling. It was not painful, just felt real strange. Also, the place of injection is sensitive that night and today still. So be gentle in that area. I want to warn you, I am sensitive, well..more sensitive than most in my opinion. I faint often during blood draws, so I work myself up. It was not painful, just be aware you may want to lay down, and let the medicine do its job. I did a meditation from circle + bloom for the trigger shot beforehand. I love this program. The meditations really helps you relax and reflect on how you are feeling through each stage of IVF or IUI. Anyways, not painful...but you may want to lay down afterwards and think of the medicine as a glowing light soothing and do it's magic in your ovaries and that this medicine is helping our eggs and follicles to do what they are suppose to do.


  1. I'm so excited for you! Best of luck to you tomorrow! Can't wait to read your update!

  2. I love that you listened to Circle+Bloom after your trigger shot - it's exactly what you're supposed to do! So excited about your retrieval tomorrow!!!

  3. I felt like the hcg trigger made me really sick to my stomach and gave me cramps for a little while. Totally unexpected and weird! Good luck this cycle!!!

    Happy ICLW!

  4. Good luck with the egg collection!

  5. Fingers crossed for a great ER! and happy conception day for the little girls & boys for tomorrow;)

  6. Lots of luck... thinking of you xx
